Welcome to our website. By using our website, you agree to these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our website.

Intellectual property rights

All content on our website, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, logos, icons, buttons, software, audio and video files, and the selection and arrangement thereof, is the exclusive property of our company or our third party content providers, and is protected by applicable intellectual property laws.

No part of our website may be copied, reproduced, distributed, published, displayed, modified, transmitted or exploited in any way without our prior written permission or that of our third party content providers.

Use of our website

You are permitted to use our website for lawful purposes and in accordance with these Terms of Use. You agree not to use our website:

  • In a manner that infringes our intellectual property rights or those of third parties.
  • In a manner that is unlawful, fraudulent or deceptive.
  • In a way that could damage the reputation of our company.
  • To transmit viruses or other malicious code that may damage our website or related hardware or software.
  • To collect or track personal information from other users of our website.

Limitation of liability

We strive to keep our website up to date and available at all times, but we do not guarantee that our website will always be available, without error or interruption. We will not be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from the use of our website.

Modification of the Terms of Use

We reserve the right to change these Terms of Use at any time; Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website. We encourage you to check this page regularly for any changes.

Applicable law

These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of your country or region.